Texarkana DWI Defense Attorney
Understanding DWI Penalties in Texas
In Texarkana, there are strict rules and harsh penalties for driving while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. If you are pulled over by police and your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or higher, the courts could treat it as a DWI “per se,” meaning that no further proof will be necessary for a DWI conviction. Drivers who are under 21 years old who are pulled over and found to have any drugs or alcohol in their system can also be convicted of DWI.
A DWI conviction is likely to have serious, painful consequences, such as:
- Months to years in jail or prison
- Thousands of dollars in fines
- Community service
- Suspension and/or revocation of your driver’s license
- Having to disclose your DWI(s) on applications for employment, loans, educational programs, etc.
- Loss of employment and damaged career prospects
- Increased auto and health insurance premiums
- Giving an unfavorable impression of your character in future legal proceedings involving civil, criminal, or family law matters
Even though you might think DWI/DUI's are not a big deal when compared to other criminal offenses, there are many consequences of being arrested for DWI/DUI that many people overlook. Your driving privileges can be suspended, you could lose your job, and, if convicted, you might have to pay an expensive surcharge just to get your driver's license back. For these reasons it is important that you get in contact with an experienced DWI defense attorney in Texarkana as soon as possible after being arrested for DWI.
Key Differences Between DWI & DUI in Texas
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) are both illegal in Texas as well as most other states. DWI typically refers to driving after drinking alcohol, while DUI can refer to either alcohol or drugs. Both offenses carry serious penalties, including jail time, fines, and a loss of driving privileges. In Texas, there is a clear legal distinction between DWI and DUI. A person is charged with DUI under the Texas Traffic Code and is only issued to people under the age of 21. A person is charged with DWI under the Texas Penal Code if a driver's BAC is above the legal limit (.08 blood alcohol content or higher). Regardless of the terminology used, it is always illegal to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Call (903) 226-8335 or contact us online to schedule your complimentary consultation with a DWI defense lawyer in Texarkana.
Ready to Protect Your Rights and Freedom
Attorney Jason Horton has a strong civil and criminal background and can help you navigate the complexities of the court system with ease. If you have been arrested and charged with DWI, he wants to help you strategically protect yourself during your case. The stakes are incredibly high, and you owe it to yourself to secure strong, skillful representation from an experienced criminal defense lawyer.
When a DWI conviction threatens to turn your life upside down, you can’t afford to go at it alone. When you come to Jason Horton Law for help, Jason is committed to being approachable, providing trustworthy counsel, and aggressively advocating for your best interests at every turn.
Call (903) 226-8335 as soon as possible to get in touch with a Texarkana DWI defense attorney and schedule your free consultation. We are prepared to offer same-day appointments when necessary.